Posts Tagged ‘music’

Yes, dear readers. I am bilingual! (but only if my ability to spout off trite Latin sayings or to say “More beer” in Spanish counts)

The title of the post is Latin. It translates into “In matters of taste, there can be no disputes.” I figured it’s apropos since I wanted to talk about some of the schlock that has graced my music collection (and that of The Management) for quite some time.

See, my musical tastes would best be described as eclectic. In the collection you will find genres spanning from 70’s progressive rock to hardcore bop to gangsta rap to blues to smooth jazz, easy listening, 80’s cheese, longhaired classical, New Age, country, well, you get the picture. I even have some Celtic rock salted through the shelves. Point is, I like an awful lot of stuff. See, music is something I was raised with and it’s still a huge part of my life. Always has been, and as long as I can hear, it always will be. Our tastes change… for example, when I was in middle school, I thought that Michael Jackson sucked. As I got older I could listen to the music and really appreciate the artistry that was involved in creating Thriller and its even better predecessor, Off the Wall. All that being said, there’s music that just flat-out sucks for some people and other folks love it. This happens even in the same household.

Here’s an example. The Management does not necessarily appreciate the musical genius that is Gordon Lightfoot. Or the guilty pleasure that is CW McCall’s classic “Convoy.” So one day after she bogarted my Best of the 70’s playlist for her own iPod, she was driving home late at night when she got a back to back dose of Convoy followed by The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. (Did you know there are apparently multiple schools of thought about the circumstances surrounding said wreck, one of which involves abduction by space aliens?) She was mortified, to say the least and claimed she almost wrecked from the sheer awesomeness of that playlist.

I do find it ironic that a woman who actually owns not one, but two, count them, TWO Shaun Cassidy albums would be able to criticize the modern-day troubadour, but that’s the beauty of it all. See, we like what we like and we can agree to disagree.

There is one CD on the shelves that promises profuse suckage and delivers on that promise. It’s a compilation called 70’s Party Killers. On this disc are such landmark recordings as “Afternoon Delight” from the Starland Vocal Band and “Muskrat Love” from The Captain and Tennille, for which I’m providing a video.

One other “classic” from the 70s that deserves mention would have to be Maria Muldaur’s “Midnight at the Oasis” which contains some really deep lyrics where she implores you to “…send your camel to bed.” I can’t resist uploading a video of this gem.

On that note, gentle readers, I bid you a most excellent weekend filled with good food, friends, drink and fun. And cheesy music.

Until next time, au revoir! (See, I’m TRILINGUAL!)